Quanser QLabs
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The only hardware-inspired, scalable way to bring credible, high-fidelity interactive lab experiences to students off-campus.
With Quanser Interactive Labs, you get a collection of virtual hardware-based laboratory activities that supplement traditional or online courses. The virtual hardware is based on Quanser physical systems and offers credible, academically appropriate experiences on desktops, laptops, or smart devices. Combining Quanser Interactive Labs with actual Quanser systems allows instructors to enrich their lectures and activities in traditional labs and increases engagement and students’ learning outcomes in class-based or online courses.
Deliver meaningful hardware experiences to students remotely
Leverage Quanser Interactive Labs not only to offer students credible lab activities accessible off-campus but integrate them into your lectures and bring even more interaction and engagement to your course material.
Implement a scalable solution as quickly as possible
Quanser Interactive Labs’ virtual high-fidelity plants give students academically appropriate hardware experiences on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Available as a 12-month subscription with multiple seat quantity options, the platform requires little to none IT infrastructure and resources to integrate.
Leverage existing Quanser content and curriculum
Quanser Interactive Labs come with a complete student curriculum, including “check your understanding” and full assessment questions and lab reporting. Instructors can manage student access and monitor their progress.
Ready to see Quanser in action?
Request an online demo!
Please fill out this form to schedule a demo of Quanser's QLab.