Composite Beam Sets - Materials Testing - TecQuipment
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
In this video, we demonstrate the Composite Beam Sets available for use with the Beam Apparatus (SM1004) and Euler Buckling Apparatus (SM1005) in the Materials Testing range from TecQuipment.
Composites are used all around us in the real world, as explained by specialist Composites Aerospace Engineer Steve Hillier in the video. These new beams allow students to investigate the properties of different types of composite beams in the three different packs.
- The Basic Composite Beams: Four beams of basic composite architecture.
- The Cored Composite Beams: Two foam cores with different skin thicknesses, a honeycomb, and a solid carbon fiber beam.
- The Variable Stiffness Composite Beams: Three beams of more complex structures of composites for more advanced learning.
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