QLabs Virtual QArm

QLabs Virtual QArm is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system.
Quanser’s QArm is a 4 DOF serial robotic manipulator with a tendon-based two-stage gripper and an RGBD camera, designed for modern engineering education and academic research applications. Leveraging the intuitive graphical interface of Simulink® or expandability of Python™ and ROS, students get a systematic understanding of the design of robotic systems and concepts, including joint control, kinematics, path planning, statics, and dynamics. QArm comes with comprehensive studio-type course resources to motivate students and provide the basis for interactive challenges.
The open architecture design of QArm allows researchers to quickly develop and deploy their applications in machine learning, assistive robotics, collaborative robotics, and more, using both custom and internal control schemes.
The QArm consists of 4 joints in a roll-pitch-pitch-roll configuration, allowing for a large reachable workspace. The two-stage 5-contact gripper allows you to interact with objects of various shapes while gauging grip strength via current sense. The gripper can be augmented and customized with additional sensors and actuators via the interfacing board. The position of the RGBD camera enables you to perform inspection and visual servoing tasks. With these features, the arm is ideally suited to adapt and learn from unknown environments.
Two interface options allow for QArm’s control and access from a computer via USB (using a QFLEX 2 USB interface panel), or microcontrollers such as Raspberry Pi (using a QFLEX 2 Embedded interface panel).
The following additional components are required to complete your workstation, and are sold separately:
QLabs Virtual QArm s a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments. QLabs Virtual QArm can enrich your lectures and activities in traditional labs, or bring credible, authentic model-based lab experiences into your distance and online robotics course.
QLabs Virtual QArm is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system.
QLabs Controls is based on Quanser physical plants and is accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as modeling, speed and position control, aerospace control, instructor resources, and tools to manage student access and monitor their progress.