Two target plates for use with the H8 Impact Of A Jet Apparatus.
Education Equipment for Teaching Alternative Energy Principles
The alternative range offers teaching equipment for the core principles of different types of alternative energy including solar and wind turbine generated energy.
Item Number:H8A - Experiment
Item Number:ES18 - Experiment
TecQuipment's Additional Mechanisms Kit (ES 18) demonstrates how the Geneva mechanism and a ratchet mechanism convert motion.
Item Number:TE96 - Experiment
Bench mounted, self contained air bearing apparatus to demonstrate the performance of self acting, gas lubricated journal bearings, including the phenomenon of half speed whirl.
Item Number:EC1501V - EXPERIMENT
The Air Conditioning Trainer (EC1501V) from TecQuipment is a bench-top unit that allows students to investigate the fundamental principles of air conditioning.
The AMPAQ-L2 linear current amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
The AMPAQ-L4 linear current amplifier is ideal for mechatronic systems requiring responsive current control, such as haptics or robotics platforms, or other complex controls configurations often used for teaching and research.
The Quanser AMPAQ-PWM is a single-channel pulse width modulated current amplifier designed to drive high-powered systems such as the Quanser Shake Table II. The amplifier features a generic data acquisition board interface and current sensing capability.
AELabs take students beyond the breadboard. It gives them hands-on experience with complex analog circuits that could not practically be built from scratch in a lab setting.
Item Number:AU9030
By following the curriculum included with pneumatics control add-on kit, students will learn how the combination of a controller and custom software can create powerful and flexible pneumatic systems. ...
Item Number:AU9025
By following the curriculum included with pneumatics control add-on kit, students will learn how the combination of a controller and custom software can create powerful and flexible pneumatic systems. ...