E-blocks2 dsPIC Programmer

The 16-bit PIC programmer (BL0032) can be used with various programming languages including Assembly, C and Flowcode. To program the dsPIC on the board a free tool called mLoader is available.
This flexible downstream board (BL0114) is an ideal platform for learning and project development. The E-blocks2 combo board will work with any upstream E-blocks2 programmer allowing multiple technologies to be explored using a single downstream E-blocks board.
The E-blocks2 Combo Board is an ideal resource to help learn programming using flowcharts, C or assembly code.
For more information, see our technical datasheet.
By using our conversion board, BL0113 this board can also be used with our original E-blocks upstream boards. Please note that the E-blocks2 Auto ID functionality will not work with E-blocks version 1 upstream boards.
The 16-bit PIC programmer (BL0032) can be used with various programming languages including Assembly, C and Flowcode. To program the dsPIC on the board a free tool called mLoader is available.