QUBE-Servo 2

The Quanser QUBE™-Servo 2 is a fully integrated, modular servomotor lab experiment designed for teaching mechatronics and control concepts at the undergraduate level.
The Quanser Controls Board offers a complete package for studying fundamental and advanced controls topics. The skills and hands-on experiences gained using the controls board are directly applicable to the challenges engineers face creating the complex systems that dominate the world today.
As automation and connected devices move from industry to commercial products and the home, an understanding of the design and implementation of control systems on hardware is essential. The courseware progression that accompanies the Quanser Controls Board begins with a grounding in the basics of modeling and control. Topics then transition into more complex strategies including optimal control, hybrid control, and digital control.
The following additional components are required to complete your workstation, and are available separately:
The Quanser QUBE™-Servo 2 is a fully integrated, modular servomotor lab experiment designed for teaching mechatronics and control concepts at the undergraduate level.
The Rotary Flexible Link module is designed to help students perform flexible link control experiments. The module is designed to be mounted on the Rotary Servo Base Unit. This experiment is ideal for the study of vibration analysis and resonance and allows us to mimic real-life control problems encountered in large, lightweight structures that exhibit flexibilities and require feedback control for improved performance. The experiment is also useful when modeling a flexible link on a robot or spacecraft.
The linear flexible inverted pendulum challenges students to gain advanced modeling and control experience by controlling both the damping of a flexible link, and an unstable inverted pendulum.