
The global standard in transformational engineering labs for Controls, Robotics, and Mechatronics, optimized for the academic setting.

Academic institutions trust Quanser to strengthen their reputation through transformative teaching and research labs that accurately replicate theories and bring engineering mathematics and concepts to life.

“We are in a golden age of engineering education. There’s a lot to be excited about and a lot to be challenged by. The education we offer students must capture this momentum and help them realize their potential.”

– Paul Gilbert, CEO, Quanser

  • Online Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Controls is based on Quanser physical plants and is accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as modeling, speed and position control, aerospace control, instructor resources, and tools to manage student access and monitor their progress.

  • Online Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Virtual Ball and Beam is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Ball and Beam system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments.

  • Online Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Virtual Coupled Tanks is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of a Quanser Coupled Tanks system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments.

  • Hybrid Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Virtual QArm is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser QArm system.

  • Online Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Virtual QBot 2e is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic Quanser QBot 2e system.

  • Quanser QLabs Virtual QCar

    The Quanser Virtual QCar is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser QCar system. It behaves the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using the Python, ROS, and MATLAB Simulink development environments.

  • Digital Engineering Curriculum

    QLabs Virtual Quanser AERO is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a Quanser AERO system. The platform is compatible with the physical Quanser AERO engineering curriculum.

  • Quanser Engineering Curriculum

    Quanser QLabs Virtual QUBE-Servo 2 is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic QUBE-Servo 2 system. The platform is compatible with the physical QUBE-Servo 2 curriculum which covers over 30.

  • Quanser QLabs Qube Servo 3

    QLabs Virtual QUBE-Servo 3 is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate virtual twin of a classic QUBE-Servo 3 system. It behaves in the same way as the physical hardware and can be measured and controlled using MATLAB®/Simulink® and other development environments.

  • Quanser Digital Curriculum

    Quanser's QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is a fully instrumented, dynamically accurate digital twin of the Quanser Rotary Flexible Link system. QLabs Virtual Rotary Flexible Link is available as a 12-month, multi-seat subscription. The platform is compatible with the physical Rotary Flexible Link curriculum, which covers various modeling and control topics.
