The complete starter set includes TecQuipment’s Subsonic Wind Tunnel (AF1300), the Basic Lift and Drag Balance (AF1300Z) and the Three-dimensional Drag Models (AF1300J) - all parts needed for experiments in aerodynamic drag.
Item Number:AF1300S - Package
Item Number:AF1450S - Package
An open circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of 450 mm by 450 mm and 1000 mm long. Package includes the Aerofoil with Tappings, a Three-Component Balance, two Differential Pressure Transducers, a 32-Way Pressure Display Unit and data acquisition (VDAS-F).
Item Number:AF1600S - Package
TecQuipment's Subsonic Wind Tunnel 600MM (AF1600S) is an open circuit suction subsonic wind tunnel with a working section of 600 mm by 600 mm and 1250 mm long. The package includes a Three-Component Balance, Dual Axis Pressure Traverse, and associated instrumentation such as a 32-Way Pressure Display Unit and Versatile Data Acquisition System (VDAS-F).
Item Number:AF302 - Experiment
A suction-type continuous operation supersonic (up to Mach 1.8) wind tunnel for investigations into subsonic and supersonic airflow around two-dimensional models. Also, for analysis of the profile of the tunnel working section.
Item Number:AF300 - Experiment
The AF300 is an intermittent operation induction type supersonic wind tunnel that allows investigations into the flow around 2-dimensional models at supersonic airspeeds.
Item Number:H314A - Experiment
Searle's torsion balance with scale and pointer for the determination of the surface tension of liquids.
Item Number:STS21 - Experiment
TecQuipment's Suspended Beam Bridge (Next Generation Structures) is an experiment for the study of the characteristics of a suspended beam bridge. Mounts on the Structures platform and connects to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software.
Item Number:STF2 - Experiment
A demonstration to show the shape and tensions of suspension cables.
Item Number:MFP103D - Experiment
A swash plate pump for use with the MFP103 Positive Displacement Pump Support Module.
Quanser’s telepresence solution consists of a Quanser QArm manipulator along with a Quanser HD² High Definition Haptic Device. The open architecture design of the solution allows researchers to quickly develop and deploy emerging applications in telerobotics, telepresence, machine learning, assistive robotics, collaborative robotics, and more using MATLAB/Simulink.