Equilibrium of a Beam

Demonstrates the forces, moments and reactions of a rigid beam.
For use with the Work Panel (STF1), the kit allows several experiments with a suspension cable.
Students or teachers fit the magnetic parts of the kit to the Work Panel (STF1) to study or demonstrate the shapes and tensions in a suspension cable.
The kit compares a suspension cable with a catenary cable and analyses results using catenary and parabolic theory. It includes a roller chain (the cable), held by magnetically mounted sprocket pulleys and a set of weight hangers and weights. Spring balances measure the tension in the cable. The versatility of the kit means that you can create symmetrical and non-symmetrical cables, with point loads or with evenly-spread loads.
TecQuipment supplies each kit with a fully illustrated User Guide containing theory, experiments and typical results.
Demonstrates the forces, moments and reactions of a rigid beam.
Practical demonstration of the equilibrium of a ladder.
Demonstrates concurrent and non concurrent coplanar forces. Allows students to construct force polygons and understand conditions for equilibrium.