A bench mounting apparatus for calibrating Bourdon type pressure gauges using deadweight techniques.
Hydrostatics & Properties of Fluids
Item Number:H3A - Experiment
Item Number:H11 - Experiment
A pivoted clear plastic assembly which students use to find the centre of pressure of a totally or partially submerged plane surface. Compact, self-contained and excellent for classroom demonstrations.
Item Number:H314 - Experiment
For a vast range of demonstrations and experiments. Includes density, specific gravity, Pascal's law and Archimedes law buoyancy and stability, pressure measurement and much more. Mobile, self-contained and cost-effective.
Item Number:H2 MKII - Experiment
A bench mounting apparatus to determine the stability of a pontoon with its centre of gravity metacentric height and metacentre at various heights.
Item Number:H314A - Experiment
Searle's torsion balance with scale and pointer for the determination of the surface tension of liquids.
Item Number:H410 - Experiment
Shows the drag coefficient of different sized particles (spheres) and the viscosity of liquids.