A bench-mounting Hele-Shaw apparatus to demonstrate two-dimensional laminar flow around differently shaped models.
Fluid Mechanics
Teaching Equipment for Fluid Mechanics
The fluid mechanics range offers a wide scope of teaching equipment for the delivery of complete courses in fluid dynamics.
In many settings, the modular Digital Hydraulic Bench acts as a base unit, allowing tutors to swap out individually mounted experiment modules on these self-contained benches, reducing lab set-up time, lab space requirements, and cost.
The impressive flow and sediment channels for demonstrating the mechanics of flow also enable the practical teaching and demonstration of phenomena such as critical and subcritical flow, hydraulic jump, and dune formation. There are many ancillaries available for use with the flow channels enabling them to be used as both teaching and research aids.
Within the fluid mechanics range there is equipment for demonstrating Bernoulli's theorem, the function, and dynamics of weirs, pressure and flow measurement, pipe friction, and energy loss, and much more.
Item Number:H9 - Experiment
Item Number:H31 - Experiment
A scaled down fully operational ram pump to establish pressure & flow characteristics for the determination of efficiencies.
Item Number:H313 - Experiment
For comprehensive study of hydrology. Simulates rain and moving storms over a permeable medium. Includes an inclinable catchment area with central tappings to measure water table profile. Ideal for group study.
Item Number:H314 - Experiment
For a vast range of demonstrations and experiments. Includes density, specific gravity, Pascal's law and Archimedes law buoyancy and stability, pressure measurement and much more. Mobile, self-contained and cost-effective.
Item Number:H8 - Experiment
An apparatus to allow students to investigate the forces produced by a water jet striking a flat or a curved surface.
Item Number:H33 - Experiment
An apparatus to allow a full study of the discharge through an orifice or nozzle mounted vertically or the trajectory profiles of an orifice or nozzle mounted horizontally.
Item Number:H311 - Experiment
A self-contained bench mounting apparatus for studies into the settling characteristics of suspended solids and the display of wall effects.
Item Number:H16 - Experiment
An apparatus to allow students to investigate the friction losses in piping systems. The large open format of the apparatus makes it ideal for students working in small or large groups.
Item Number:H1L - ANCILLARY
The new Low Flow Range Display is an ancillary for measuring low flow rates of water, with low-level flow rates that the Hydraulic Bench cannot accommodate. This is particularly useful for experiments like those outlined in the Fluid Friction Apparatus that require the measurement of lower flow rates.
Item Number:H2 MKII - Experiment
A bench mounting apparatus to determine the stability of a pontoon with its centre of gravity metacentric height and metacentre at various heights.