Dynamics Fundamentals

Item Number: 
Matrix TSL | Fundamental Mechanics
Matrix TSL | Dynamics Fundamentals
Matrix TSL | Fundamental Mechanics
Matrix TSL | Dynamics Fundamentals
Matrix TSL | Fundamental Mechanics
Matrix TSL | Dynamics Fundamentals

This set of equipment covers the needs of students studying pulleys, static and sliding friction, mechanisms and energy conversion. Students use the storable work panel (included) to construct a range of experiments, which allow you to study a full course in dynamic engineering systems. A full 10-hour workbook is included free of charge in the Learning Centre for this kit.

Learning Objectives

  • Kinetic and gravitational energy parameters and principles
  • Dynamic parameters and principles
  • Newton’s Law of Motion
  • Mechanical efficiency and advantage
  • Flywheel experimentation
  • Toggle mechanisms
  • Single and compound Pulley experimentation
  • Static and sliding friction on Inclined planes (with frictional surfaces and rollers)

More Information