Statics Fundamentals

This kit enables students to study static forces, moments, levers, beams and more. This kit is supplied in storable trays and with a full, free curriculum workbook.
This full set of equipment allows students to understand the principles of fundamental statics, materials and dynamics engineering systems in one portal set of equipment.
Included in this equipment are the full contents of the following kits:
This kit enables students to study static forces, moments, levers, beams and more. This kit is supplied in storable trays and with a full, free curriculum workbook.
This kit enables students to study materials fundamentals using a tensile tester, shear force tester and other equipment. This kit is supplied in storable trays and with a full, free curriculum workbook
This kit enables students to study dynamic engineering fundamentals through experimentation for pulleys, flywheels, toggles and inclined planes. This kit is supplied in storable trays and with a full, free curriculum workbook.