Complete Structures

The complete set of Structures includes seven kits to teach students the commonly taught principles of Structures across college and universities worldwide, in the subject area of mechical engineering ...
This product allows students to explore the behavior of reaction forces on a beam with supports. Two ‘simply supported’ supports are attached to load cells so that a precise reading of reactional force can be measured for a loading parameter. The load cell output is connected to the LCD displays and the USB interference for data acquisition for further experimental analysis.
The beam has a measure indicator for accurate distance measured between supports, while both support blocks can slide along the rail to explore the behavior of varying lengths. The beam has incremental pins for hanging weights on at different places to create different point loads and can balance the weights on top to create uniformly distributed loads.
Overhanging point loads can be achieved too to create negative reaction forces to show the direction of forces. This allows students to explore reactional forces that are positive and negative and the principle of superposition.
The complete set of Structures includes seven kits to teach students the commonly taught principles of Structures across college and universities worldwide, in the subject area of mechical engineering ...
Bending moments This kit allows students to apply loads to hangers suspended along a beam, held between two supports. One support allows rotational movement, acting as a pinned support, whilst the ot ...
Shear Force This kit allows students to apply loads to hangers suspended along a beam, held between two supports. One support allows rotational movement, acting as a pinned support, whilst the other ...