Complete Structures

The complete set of Structures includes seven kits to teach students the commonly taught principles of Structures across college and universities worldwide, in the subject area of mechical engineering ...
The bending stress structures product provides students with a beam with 4 strain gauges attached to it. These strain gauges are then connected to the back panel, allowing simple 4mm banana plug socket connections to conduct the experiment.
The experiment explores the bending stress in a beam with applied loads. Using equations for bending deflection and stress, the theoretical value can be compared to the output of the experiment. The strain gauges can be connected up using the 4mm banana cables into 3 different Wheatstone bridge configurations. Students can then explore the behavior of a quarter bridge, half bridge and full bridge configuration. High-precision resistors are used to make up the Wheatstone bridge in the absence of a strain gauge.
The LCD display shows the millivolt change of the output from the Wheatstone bridge. With a zero button to reset the experiment.
The experiment is powered by a USB cable to PC or wall plug. If the USB is connected via a PC port, data acquisition can be output directly into excel or further experimental analysis and simulation.
The complete set of Structures includes seven kits to teach students the commonly taught principles of Structures across college and universities worldwide, in the subject area of mechical engineering ...
Bending moments This kit allows students to apply loads to hangers suspended along a beam, held between two supports. One support allows rotational movement, acting as a pinned support, whilst the ot ...
Shear Force This kit allows students to apply loads to hangers suspended along a beam, held between two supports. One support allows rotational movement, acting as a pinned support, whilst the other ...